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Olá! Obrigado pelo apoio no meu post recente. Seriamente. Camisola SL Benfica obrigada. Mas quero pensar melhor em outras coisas agora, como … correr e comer! Eu quero voltar a fazer segunda -feira sem carne. Na verdade, não sei se fiz uma segunda -feira “real” sem carne porque parei de ser vegetariana. Hmmm. Bem, eu…
Read More, a Maratona de Los Angeles foi neste fim de semana, assim como eu estou descendo de toda a diversão (e de todas as milhas). Esta é a minha recapitulação da corrida e os resultados – se você fez uma corrida neste fim de semana, compartilhe exatamente como foi nos comentários e/ou link para sua…
Read Moreexactly how to plan your finest running year ever! inspect out this video with 5 steps to plan your race calendar for this year. It’s simple however extremely important if you want to get faster, run farther, PR, get healthier or just have more fun running. I’ve been utilizing this hack to plan my running…
Read MoreBen as well as I were consumed with world earth when it very first came out. We watched everything summertime as well as believed the bird mating DVD was super adorable since we’re perverts. one of the birds would rub his bit house ( a branch) with a stick. He was trying to clean his…
Read MoreHello! exactly how was your weekend? I just chilled. Meus vídeos mais atuais Marathon training Day 4 Marathon training diary Day 4 inspect in Mais videos 0 seconds of 1 minute, 21 seconds Próximo Marathon training Day 4 01:21 Ao vivo 00:00 08:21 01:21 Saturday included running as well as eating, per usual. And Sunday…
Read MoreOlá! Eu era Mia ontem porque tive que fazer uma pequena viagem a Los Angeles. Primeiro, tive uma consulta rápida em torno de 1: 30p, então o almoço … Então, eu me encontrei com minha amiga Susan (que acabou de se casar!) Para acertar a exposição de Race Los Angeles 13.1. Eu realmente esperava que…
Read MoreHello! I just just got back to my hotel room after running the Hood to coast relay race with my team! I’m going to do a full recap/results post tomorrow but today I wanted to tell you my top 10 favorite things about doing this legendary relay race also known as HTC! Hood to coast…
Read MoreI started this bit ol’ blog after I satisfied the person I’d marry one day. But, before the blog as well as before Ben I went with a truly really difficult break up. The type of break up where you believe your life is over as well as you do embarrassing things to get them…
Read MoreHello! exactly how are you? I have a great detox juice recipe you can make in a blender below. however first, let’s talk running as well as eatin’. This morning I woke up before the sun again! I’m truly hoping under eye baggage is hot for the Fall. Meus vídeos mais recentes Marathon Training Day…
Read MoreAudio Playerhttps: // 00:00 00:00 00:00 Podcast: reproduza na nova janela | Download Inscreva -se: podcasts da Apple | Podcasts do Google | Stitcher | RSS Meus vídeos mais recentes Minha linda outra metade na ala da Pysch: um livro de memórias – resenha do livro Minha linda outra metade na ala da Pysch: um…
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